Town Hall Q&A Events

Please sign up to book your ticket to help end 100 years of Conservative MPs in South Devon. You'll receive an email with a link taking you to an online booking page.
Please note: entry is reserved for people registered to vote in the South Devon constituency, formerly called 'Totnes' but now including an area around Modbury.
Click the button below if unsure whether you're within the South Devon constituency.
Constituency postcode checker
At seven Town Hall Q&As around the constituency this March, you can question the Green, Labour & Lib Dem candidates and then vote on which one you think is best-placed to defeat the Conservative MP.
Note: These events will be in two separate parts. The first 90 minutes will be a regular hustings with the chance to hear from and question the candidates. The candidates will then depart and the Primary voting will take place.

To ensure fairness, the following conditions apply:
These events will be in two separate parts. The first 90 minutes will be a regular hustings with the chance to hear from and question the candidates. The candidates will then depart and the Primary voting will take place.

Note: The Totnes event is already fully booked. You are welcome to attend one of the other events, or choose to join the waitlist. We'll be issuing voting-only tickets for those on the waitlist. You'll be able to watch on your smartphone or computer and then come along to vote after the audience leaves the venue.