Town hall Q&A recordings

Full videos of the 7 town halls, and a series of clips from seven town hall events in March 24. They were live-streamed, with people watching remotely and coming along afterwards to vote

Key clips

Clips of Caroline, to help explain why people voted for her. Adding more all the time so please check back.
Caroline introduces herself at the 1st town hall
View on rescuing healthcare & dentistry
What Caroline stands for
Caroline on renewables
Caroline's promise on coalitions
Why PR is a better system - from experience
What Caroline is hearing on the doorstep

Full recordings

The last three are still being processed - so please check back soon.
Totnes - chaired by George Monbiot
Civic Hall, 2 March 2024
Paignton - chaired by Dr Hannah Bunting
Paignton Academy, 6th March 2024
Modbury - chaired by Anthea Simmons
Modbury Memorial Hall, 7th March 2024
Feedback 1: Why people voted for Caroline
Feedback 2: Labour supporter given hope
Feedback 3: on the Primary process